Clifford the Big Red Dog

By Amy Kim

A Cute, Childish Romp

Clifford the Big Red Dog is an unapologetically sentimental film that has no right to entertain as much as it does. Clifford the Big Red Dog knows exactly what it is, which is nothing more than a campy, made-for-kids film. However, rather than attempt to add in “maturity” in the style of jokes and subplots that adults will enjoy, it fully embraces this definition. If you’re not able to turn your brain off and accept Clifford the Big Red Dog for what it is, you will likely not enjoy it. The plot and characters are fairly weak as the creators prioritised the heartwarming relationship between Clifford and our protagonist (Emily Elizabeth) over any real complexity. The story is simple and predictable, as once you figure out what kind of film this is you’ll likely guess the climax and ending. The characters rarely end up being more than standard tropes, although Jack Whitehall’s Uncle Casey is a fun character who does go through an interesting arc. Speaking of which, the performances are enjoyable enough as everyone involved understood and welcomed the assignment, including child actress Darby Camp (who played Emily Elizabeth), who is surprisingly pretty good! Sadly, the performances are likely not going to be enough to make up for the fact that if you’re not interested in a childish and overwhelmingly sweet story, you simply will not like this.

Despite all of the film’s clear issues, however, a lot of fun can be had with Clifford the Big Red Dog. It’s cute, charming, and an 80 minute-long break from reality. The live action adaptation of Clifford the Big Red Dog will, for some fans of the character, be everything they could’ve hoped for, as it’s just an unabashedly upbeat and entertaining film. Something about this film might just work for you and put a massive smile on your face. It is engaging throughout and some will find themselves invested in the somewhat basic plot and characters even if they had initial misgivings about the film. It's certainly not going to work for everyone, as you’re either in for the goofiness or you’re not. But if you are on board with the campy fun this film provides, it’s probable that you will have a good time with it. As such, Clifford the Big Red Dog is a cute romp that children will love and less cynical adults who know what they’re in for will likely enjoy. There are plenty of technical issues with it that could bother you and leave you with an annoyingly forgettable experience, but if you just try to have a good time, it could be worthwhile.
