Self Reliance
By Marc Goedickemeier
A Comedy that Falls Short
Andy Samberg's casual invitation into a limousine sparks an unexpected adventure. Who could resist? Yet shortly after accepting the offer, Tommy (Jake Johnson) finds himself caught up in a high-stakes manhunt for a million-dollar prize. However, the film struggles to fully capitalize on its comedic premise. Throughout the movie, Tommy faces the challenge of evading his pursuers for a month. The twist? He's safe as long as he's not alone, leading to awkward and humorous situations like being followed to the bathroom.
Despite the promising setup, the comedy often misses the mark. Soon, Tommy is joined by Homeless James (Biff Wiff), who sadly contributes little to the film with forgettable jokes. Maddy (Anna Kendrick) completes the trio, adding depth, though it takes some time for her chemistry with Tommy to shine through and provide humorous and memorable moments. While Andy Samberg and Jake Johnson are known for their humor, their performances are hindered by a lackluster script. Samberg's limited screen time disappoints, and Johnson's comedic talents feel underutilized.
Occasionally, the film attempts darker comedic twists with mixed results. While the premise holds promise for humor and thrills, it often falls short. The comedy needed to land more jokes effectively. At times, the movie's decisions and scenes leave viewers questioning the direction of the story.
But while the film has its shortcomings, the character development of Tommy is a highlight. His growth and motivations are compelling, and the finale is well-executed.
However, this isn't enough to save the film. The low production value and technical aspects further detract from the overall experience, relegating it to the status of a straight-to-DVD film from yesteryears. In today's landscape, it sadly amounts to mere filler for streaming platforms, lacking the fresh and innovative content viewers crave. In conclusion, Self Reliance disappoints with missed comedic opportunities and lackluster execution. Viewers would be better off skipping this one.